Your comments

What's your current nick in the game? I would like to assign the "builder" icon to your account

It needs MOVES category, like block, dash etc

I am giving it official support then. The links will soon appear in lobby.

I do not consider it cheating because anyone can do that

It work on every website - and is just a website.

> 1. The ability to pull opponents or friends on the hills would be very cool and give you the chance to rescue an ally or catch an opponent.

It should work like this from the day zero - if it doesn't it's a bug. This is the whole point of spear + rope. Try today I have pushed some fixes yesterday.

The merging doesn't copy the original context... it's bad ;| I have removed obsolete comments

Yes, I was thinking if it would be cool if thrown spear would have only 1 damage but it would have shield and hero piercing (cannot be blocked, and doesn't stop on a first target)

What do you think of giving spear damage on dashing - and longer dash compared to other weapons? I really would like to balance it by adding unique mechanics rather than making it axe-like.