Your comments

At the moment I have to decline, it's not as simple change as you think and I have less meta things on the schedule, sorry.

Yes, all hats will be corrected with next sprite batch.

I need a little bit more explanation as I don't really understand :D

It's me that have set the topic to "Remove directional block", because it was named "Seriously?" which is not informative.

Nope, I never liked it - but I've played it of course. I am a Duke Nukem person - and if I had to pick a game based on Doom engine I would prefer Hexen or Heretic - tho Duke's engine was always used for more interesting projects than ID's - Blood, Witchaven to name some.

IDDQD, IDKFA, dnkroz, dnstuff, impulse9, god

I mean - what is YOUR name in the game :)

I am sorry but a post titled "Seriously?" is unvotable and unsearchable.

Don't take votes too personal - people are using votes to anwser the question in title - not to dismiss you as a person :)