Your comments

you're an idiot because you think that it is hard for rez to hand over the game to executor

You copied my idea -1

if everyone is helping thereself there is no need to help others.

I like it but a few changes, 

you put in money to the bank, and no one can get it out except you, the money you have id doubled every week, but up to half of it can be stolen in a raid.

you only lose your weapon if you fail to return it 10 minuets after your hour is up (warning is given)

also when your village is raided, if you are playing, you will be transfered to your village where you can defend on foot or mount a big cannon or slingshot, also limited spawns in raids for attackers and defenders. also attackers should get a choice of potions and items to buy with gold and start off with during the raid, better items cost more

what you need to do is put in more information, this is a stupid idea because you didn't do anything to give people ideas. you want something but you won't help develop it, get ur act together kid