Your comments
Ok i have ready few sprites. I want your opinion Rez what improve and what about colours. Also if you have some suggestions i want know them.
Heh probably you not know but in old times sword cost 5000 coins and money drop only from dead players.
Now collect money for new equipment is 2x easier...
I played today in 3vs3 and I can confirm this bug. In last time I do not play often in pvp by computer malfunctions (playing in the game with 15 fps on the old laptop is really hard xD). By the way, remember that the bugs in 3vs3 mode, what I post still have not been repaired.
Exactly this i have in mind when you say first info about it. I love it <3
I am also in the Vigilantes but as you can see I am neutral in the community. For me, the guild is a place where you can talk and have a nice time. Nothing more. I will probably be neutral after adding guild update.
Sure i forgot about it (._.)
Very Interesting idea. But game at night can not be too dark like in your example screen. Generaly i like it :)
Ok i make shadows from one side. I wanted it to look at the carved wood, but I think it would be better to do one darker side.
Then I will do as you say. instead of individual shelves do long platforms and one sprite with stairs. and as for the graphic demonstration: it was done in five minutes just to roughly illustrate my idea. It is not even suitable for editing xD
If you found something wrong tell me about it and i fix that.
Bump. This question is important for my work.
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Ok zrobie proste bale. Nawet lepiej bedzie je zaprojektować bo przy ukośnych jest wiecej roboty xD Efekt z mostkami był zamierzony przez to że cały podest był pod lekkim kątem i z lewej strony bale są lekko schowane. (Teraz widzę ze to słabo wygląda). Co do cieniowania nie bedzie to trudne do poprawy. Jest to wersja alpha dla tego wolę sie upewnić co jest nie tak :D
Zastanawiam sie jeszcze czy robić je tak aby pasowały tylko położone pod murem/palisadą czy zrobic tak aby mozna je było kłaść gdziekolwiek. Wtedy były by bardziej uniwersalne.