Your comments

I'm one of oldest players in game and i like current wilds same as old one. Also old players is not ignored - example:  desert(melee mode) was added back when we asked for bring it back.

Dat bu... Nevermind :p

Heh in this case no problem. But drunk man sounds good and this quest can be used, but with less amount of potions which player must drink.

But this can be booring for players and they can avoid this quest. They should be Interesting enough for keep player in game, and when some player see quest "drink 150 potions" he can just fk this.

Logging is weird also for me, but when i already log on, i can use userecho without big problems.

Kitty slayer as always ask for pvp fight on chat xD

I think most of people who was read description. Well there is not much words xd

Sarcastic smile.

At this moment i think better idea is bring back 3v3 instead of melee, but i hope this mode will have another scoreboard not connected to 1v1 mode.

I not have any info about it, but maybe.