
Wilds.io mobile version

RHAMOS16 8 years ago updated by Rezak 8 years ago 34



This haunts me every day. If you run this game on ipad you will notice that it is playable a bit because it was meant to be a mobile game too. Tho:

1) It requires a high-end device
2) The controls are super complex for a mobile game

I am not denying it but cannot confirm that I will work on it anytime soon.
My analytics says that it's worth a shot because average play time on capable devices is higher than on PC despite there is only attack, block and roll.


but it will be hard and with less attacks

Nah dont bother we are far from a mobile version

Just wanted to give an idea to anyone who does not have a pc.


This haunts me every day. If you run this game on ipad you will notice that it is playable a bit because it was meant to be a mobile game too. Tho:

1) It requires a high-end device
2) The controls are super complex for a mobile game

I am not denying it but cannot confirm that I will work on it anytime soon.
My analytics says that it's worth a shot because average play time on capable devices is higher than on PC despite there is only attack, block and roll.

Maybe you could shrink the game screen, and introduce controls to be a specific pixel length from the screen(auto-layout fitting for different phone screens)?

Indeed, the management is quite complex, but I think you can lay out the original version of the game, when it was simpler.


I can't play it just shows a + button and a - button and a sound button and something that says "full screen" so I don't think mobile works :P

its gonna be way to complaicated with buttons all over the place

i actually tried wilds.io in my cellphone anddddd.... i couldnt see shet only big ass buttons that covered all my screen

I had taken a photo...
I have not added many things, because there has to be a lot of space ...

Rez please add .apk file

Many people spend free time in the phone, and this will make wilds.io more known ;D

And make possibility of logging in userecho via phone,it's stilln't implemented!!!

LoL i all time use userecho on phone :v

I have dat problem that when I log in then it refreshes the page (because this has to) and I want to write something, but I'm still not logged in. So I try again. And I'm unlogged again.

Logging is weird also for me, but when i already log on, i can use userecho without big problems.


Why did you bump? This clearly won't be implemented because there are so many controls that two fingers alone won't be able to cover. I think that Rezoner should make this a Denied Topic because it has been 7 months with nothing close to a product being Mobile. In fact, ISSA04 STOP POSTING SO MANY POSTS OR ELSE REZONER WILL STRIP YOU OF YOUR RIGHT TO MAKE FORUM TOPICS!!!!!!

Calmed, calmed down. I'm putting so many topics because in late July and August I think I do not put anybody anymore. You understand now??

So you made a credit in "bank" and you make this many topics that you can't do any ideas all of the year to July 2017? You have to do 53 topics.

ok i will do it xD

Bro you always appear and disappear like a batman ;o. You had long break in last time. You have in plans another break?

I apologize for bumping this but, I used to play on mobile a lot and it worked fine, I played on mobile so much people thought that I was being rude(you can't access chat on mobile but everything else works fine).

Egze i'll be without pc for 1 month, so I'll play Clash Royale in the phone. If u play it we will play everyday :D sin


This was a long time ago ...



oh the irony

I've some suggstions for the mobile version of wildsio / mechario.


You know shadow fight, a mobile game? Imo, it's a great game. The way the controlls work. This way of doing actions could be implemented in the mobile version which doesn't require a somewhat big device and it's easier to take actions in short time... Maybe still not as fast as desktop users but it's at least better than having nothing, or I guess, 10 buttons everwhere on the screen. The only thing would be a bit harder to do, is that in shadow fight... you're playing in a 1 dimensional space basically and in wilds / mechar obviously a 2 dimensional space.

Another way, which would need time of the player, is to make the GUI / controlls fully customizable. So it plays well on more device.


By seperating the mobile players from the desktop players (Special mobile servers only accessible by mobile players could be such solution.) could make the gameplay for mobile players more balanced. (or the opposite because of the wide variety of mobile devices.)

Let me know what you think of those suggestions / ideas if you want.

Dude i have shadow fight its pretty fun