Your comments

what is your problem palan? Just stop it's sad

same difference ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

I think that the axe special definetly needs a buff since it does 1 damage and... well that's it. A buff would be nice, maybe a speed, damage, or distance buff.

It's basically just bad claws m8. Multiple ideas have been turned down because they were too similar to already existing ideas. This would basically be a modified version of the claws. 

huh. I swear that...nvm

hm doesn't seem like it'll happen I guess. Would've been cool for clans to get another purpose.

Someone's liking then disliking over and over...

...alan... or should I say alanpatriate? Calm yourself m8

kk thx m8 gg no re 360 no scope rekt 420 69 doritos mlg

It wouldn't have happened either way m8. You had no control over the outcome

I enjoy the thought of the escape potion... damn rope bombers and vultures. But an improvement on the escape potion would be to hide your marker so that people can't track you down and kill you while vulnerable.