Your comments

It really doesn't. Remember that when Ruins was first introduced, and in the inner corridors combat was basically reduced to "keep blocking until the other guy decides to attack you" because you couldn't roll without taking damage as the walls were always too close in. Blocking was overpowered, and kick was proved useless because people didn't use roll. Just learn to jump, it's that easy. Or, even better, just WALK to the side whilst attacking and you get a free hit off on them. If you know how to play the game, then you shouldn't be complaining about how 'roll is op'.

They have both flags, so noone can play ctf. Its a long walk to the corner btw. Several minutes of sprint-jumping.

Sadly, the sword thing doesn't actually do anything...

Yeah I like the new(new) map, It feels good to play. I can't really tell until more people get on though

Another map? let's hope it's good...

And what's this? he said it was a bug, and he made sure it wasn't in the new SYMMETRICAL map? so, in short, both of my suggestions that you dismissed because of a PERSONAL VENDETTA were approved? I think I can taste the salt from here.