Your comments
This isn't a bug. Why is it in the bug section?
It's simple. When you get teamed on, you deserve to die. Don't expect anything else. Instead, stay with a teammate or two and stay away from groups. That's simple.
Pinlock doesn't take an advanced player to avoid. You just jump if the fool's gonna roll and block if the fool's gonna kick.
But the problem is now people just run away once you get them down to like 1/4 health and you can't kill anyone. It makes sustaining score a chore. Once again, Pinlock was fixed 3 days ago. Just jump if they're going to roll or block if they're going to kick. This new mechanic butchers the smooth flow that the game had, now breaking encounters into several microengagements as each time you score a hit your opponent gets a free reset. It makes combat painfully slow, long, and kind of boring, even if your the vast superior and you outsmart your opponent and land a perfect feint and then a clean hit, congratulations, now you have to do it 7 more times if you want the kill, but your opponent will just run once he hits 1/3 health and it's a pain in the ass to try to catch him.
No, many times he gets knocked backward.
Ok Rez I LOVE the newest update, as in LOVE!!! ONE small fix, however: when you pick up a health potion, if you don't already have one and you're hurt, you shouldn't have to waste the potion just for a little bit of health. Instead, it should just go to your inventory.
Actually, judjing by the menu chat, no one can log in. This should be fixed ASAP.
Wow! Thanks!
But I think the update might have opened up a bug. I was signed out for whatever reason and when I clicked "sign in with Facebook," it temporarily opened Facebook, closed it after 2 seconds, then the menu just darkens and I can't click anything. Plz fix.
Too many health orbs/Health orbs do too much.
Perhaps have a health bar type thing above the stamina that fills as you collect orbs and then you can use is to give yourself a health potion or something. I think 2 orbs per hitpoint is right, 1 orb per hitpoint is too much sustain for kings who can get a quick kill on a n00b and get half health back.
In fact, with the block-into-roll mechanics, it's now always best to block as an opponent stands up, because it they start to roll or don't attack then you can just switch to roll right away. Not saying this is bad, just saying it lowers the skillcap of the game.
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Well, I agree with your verdict, but not your method of thought. I wrote a post about this too about a week ago. The problem isn't that it's being considered a bug, the problem is that it was fixed before the patch. They had well-enough time to either jump if the opponent was rolling or block if the opponent was kicking. With the new 50% opacity on invincible targets, these prolonged invincibility frames aren't as much of a problem, but I would like to see them cut down just a bit. I think it's a little unfair they get that many ticks for a free disengage, because that makes it much more easy to escape, and if you want to keep climbing the leaderboard you need to secure those kills and it's hella annoying when literally 70% of enemies start running once they reach half-health because these changes drove them toward a coward's mentality. It wasn't like that in the alpha, you fought it out back then. Now most of the time fighting just devolves into a game of tag, and that's not healthy for the flow of the game.