Your comments
Personally, I love how the beta's combat style is much more "passive": it's harder to chain together combos, so the game is much more strategy and mindgames-based rather than click-faster-than-the-other-guy. However, I would like the gremlins and perhaps other NPC enemies to be added that give items, as the crate system doesn't seem quite right.
Another idea: Instead of adding new characters, have people find temporary weapons/equipment besides consumables in hard-to-reach places or in the possession of powerful NPCs. This equipment would stay with them until they die, and would offer different, though not necessarily more powerful, play styles to the standard weapons. I say this because the crates seem to offer you too many consumables and it seems like such a waste to collect them when you can only hold one or watch them despawn. Maybe collecting consumables you already have would yield a separate currency used to buy these items from a shop while your'e waiting to respawn.
Finally: I would scrap the six-health-apiece method, and instead have a solid percentage-ring-wheel around the character. You can keep all the damage values the same or almost the same for now, but I say this because adding new features and making them different enough will be difficult with such a constraining health system. Also, using this method, you can dial down out-of-combat damage like running into walls, maybe down to 10%.
I really feel that some or all of these changes would drastically improve the game. I look forwatd to your feedback.
(also the beta is down :( )
jk I don't care about that keep it.
Customer support service by UserEcho
OK, I know I just wrote a really long post, but I want to add one more thing. I LOVE the mix of open-area combat and mazelike corridors. While the wall mechanics need polishing, I feel tight hallways, junctions, and rooms would really add some nice flavor to the game. Like I said earlier, adding an array of hostile NPCs, diverse traps, and glorious treasure items would really help the dungeon-diving atmosphere.
Maybe new maps would have different cosmetic themes, or different goals? For this Beta map, it seems the goal is to seize the treasure room at the end of the parkour bit and defend it from the enemy team, as whoever controls the treasure room usually has score advantage. Maybe have a map where each team controls a castle, and they launch invasions across a battle-torn no man's land to the other team's fort? Or maybe a small village that two factions fight to control, through the streets, houses, and marketplace? Or maybe a maze of underground mining corridors that hold precious gems worth dying for? Like I said earlier, the item system could use expanding: You could add different consumables along with new more permanent equipment, like different weapons, shields, and magic items that each offer a unique playstyle. I feel this option would be better than having new characters; it would require less work on your part and, once implemented, would be easy to expand to whatever new items you want.