Your comments

Bandits, Renegades or Outlaws

I could not decide :)

Yes in my lenghty plans there is an idea of removing shield - but not for reason of looks.

Removing shield will give you some speed at the cost of blocking performance. Blocking with weapon will take 50% of damage - blocking with fists will take all damage but still cause the stun.

Sorry for the Polish, but I want no misunderstandings.

Chłopaki - uważajcie na tajle podłogowe - powodem, dla których w nowych mapach ich nie ma jest, że niewiele wnoszą a spowalniają całą grę - na stosunkowo niskiej rozdzielczości mieści się ich przynajmniej 100 na ekranie - to jest 100 sprajtów, które można użyć bardziej pożytecznie.

Nie mówię, że nie warto wcale mieć podłóg, ale starajmy się, żeby było ich możliwie najmniej - lub miały jakiś grubszy sens. Patrzcie jak wyglądają te wszystkie czy - puste jak mój portfel, dlatego chodzą nawet na atari :)

Wildsy obecnie wyglądaja bez wątpienia najlepiej ze wszystkich gier IO - ale to się nie przekłada na ruch.

Ścieżka według mnie spoko - można przynajmniej gdzieś nowych graczy poprowadzić.

Let's players

Heh, yeah no significant youtuber has played it for ages - so it's surprising that the game is still alive on it's own :) Really I can't emphasize enough what kind of boost comes from a popular youtuber playing a game. Especially that it is a browser-based game so press will not touch it - until it's so popular that it doesn't even need good press anymore :)

I believe that If we can get one popular youtuber play it the others will too because they don't want to fall behind their competition.

Our own traffic

The game is getting around 15.000 players daily - half of that are new players - the thing is not enough of the new players stay with us. I have tried to change that by adding noob servers, tutorial, training room but it doesn't do the job - if I were able to know what makes it frustrating for the new players we could improve on that - maybe you could ask them in game somehow and report here what you found out?


I have been running ads on facebook and reddit - but according to analytics players that come from ads play no more than 2 minutes on average. It's around 5$ for 200 new visitis.

If by pit you mean a hole with spikes there is no slow down.

If by pit you mean a cliff - it's because mountain edges capture hero physics and cause him to move in one direction with certain speed - that's how I implemented mountains.

I accept no description as long as it doesn't require one.

What I am allergic too is no meaningful title - like "My idea" :D


What about bones? They should not even appear in football matches, are bones still there?

It's a question / bug not an idea