Your comments

Sorry I have missed a dot in a sentence. It's fixed :)

Active users with highest score:

1. Brutal

2. Egzekutor

3. Vigilante Gaming

4. Rezak

5. Tytanowy Janusz

6. Seva

7. Poke Hano

8. achillesRising

9. Rhamos16

10. Khargok

11. Pocket Redstone

12. Seraph

13. Werewolf

14. Fonky

15. Shardana

16. TrollFace

17. The Real Pixl

18. Lord Karma

19. v2.

20. Zenek1999

Yes I am willing too. I don't want to favorize anyone - neither I have heart to tell if someone's english is below the threshold - so I think I will run community voting. On the other hand I am afraid that anything based on a public votes can be rigged in favor of someone who is in a strong guild or have many friends. Hard choice.

I miss the old times when sword costed 5000 and you could collect 100 gold daily.

There was a bug causing one server to host 200 games, this was the reason.

matchmaking group << this is what I needed :)

Ok I can confirm - 1 vs 1 mode should ignore mm group but it doesn't. Fixing it right now

Well, the girls are out - one day earlier than expected because I wanted to make sure they will work fine for valentine's day.

I have upgraded girl model a little bit - longer hair, a belt and nicer dress. I have also tweaked renegades palette and added proper shield color for everyone.