Your comments

It should be fixed, it happens when I update the code and your client has not yet grabbed the fresh script

Yup there was a bug in Arena and Soccer game modes that causes servers to restart. Sorry - fixing that now.

When you get married you will realize that's the most realisitic sound.

Only if she wields an axe and charges at you.

Dude Stop Using Mixed Case Like Some Tabloid Title

Unfortunately I am unable to verify gender - I don't think any game does that tho.

Kick: counters roll, projectiles

Attack: counters jump, kick, idle.

Roll: counters block.

Block: Counters attacks, kick, projectiles

Also the game mechanics is quite deeper than just A vs B - for example roll is not only a block breaker - it can also be used as attack and escape mechanics.

Done. Let's see how it works.

Sorry Seraph, I have banned your follower Daniel - I asked him to stop digging up your old posts but he won't.