Your comments

Pinging a website doesn't make sense as the game is not running on the website server. The game is running on many small servers located in different parts of the world.

It means both - first you unlock new items with gold - then you can find them in game.
One player will see a knife - the other may see it as grenade - depending on what slots he have chosen.

Yes, new items will be unlockable for coins.

It's totally barbaric - they are made of coconuts filled with gunpowder.

Impossible - the game has no economy to deal with it.

Let me explain - MMO RPG games have so called "gold sinks" - these are means to remove currency from the game to keep it valuable - for example you buy healing potion from NPC - but NPC doesn't need this gold so it's basically removed from the game - if there weren't gold sinks and players could trade currency it'd soon become valueless - this is called inflation - a sword that costed 2000 - now has to cost 20.000 because there is so much gold around that it has lost it's value - except I can't really rise the prices because new players with no friends would have it very hard to gather such amount - which would create two groups of extreme poor and extreme wealthy players.

So yeah - trading gold is great - if you have complex economy in your game - doesn't have one.

It would be cool if you could resuce prisoners like in Metal Slug, and they would obey you.

I can decrease damage to 2 for starters and see if it helps.

I am not bringing it down to 1 as there will be pretty much no reason to charge an attack

I am not adding it until you come up with what's special about flying kick. Otherwise it's just another normal attack.