Your comments

Political map will not change the gameplay in a single aspect. It's just one more goal to play for, you can totally ignore it

Do it as separate sprites and I will figure it out later. I think palisade will have to be implemented same way as mountains.

1) You have inconsistent lighting on the palisade - some trunks are shaded from the left - the other have bright side on the right - fix it.

2) I would rather see a consistent flooring that goes by the palisade rather than single outposts like that.

Zeroe Gamer and Let's play wildsio. I have banned bot

It will be very simple - not an open world or anything like that so don't get too hyped - but still I think the idea I have will give wilds some physical dimension.

These errors come from your extensions not from the game.

Also everything is valid - you are on an empty server - I don't know what country these flags are - but they are usually used by bots for some reason :D

I have it planned to add score drop. It will be like 2% daily - so after 3 months every inactive player should naturally dwell to the bottom.

> just because some noob is lagging

This is central server based game - not p2p - other players lags doesn't affect you. The game works by sending inputs from your computer to the game server - the server does the logic step and then shares new data with everyone.

Nope - this is what I am working on - and until it's done no other updates are coming.

It's gonna take a while.