We want again be able to show emotions!
hello, along with the new update it vanished the possibility of issuing commands and sounds by our warriors.
We want to once again show emotions :o
The update is great and it is a big step forward towards the players, but please restore commands. This helps in fast communication during gameplay :)
Customer support service by UserEcho
bue http://wilds.io/sounds/acks/bue.ogg
Emotions :D
If you only restore "bue and Vrngh" would be enough for 90% of players.
Not for me ;_;
also "good job"
ok no follow me bue vrrgh attack defend cool
Егзекутор ты русский? я просто видел идею Резака, и ты написал *Ахахаха*
Hе, но я несколько слов на русском языке. И часто я использую переводчика, чтобы поговорить с русскими :D
Well I am willing to put the emotes back - but maybe you have some ideas how to make it more useful? They are really used only by a few and mostly for bueueue and vrngghgh - does it have to be useful tho? Maybe we should emphasize more on emotional aspect of these - what I mean - removing guard, follow, attack, defend.
I think that the current emotes are okay, in my case I use all depending on the situation. for example, when a friend does not know how to carry the flag in CTF simply I say to him, "follow me" and usually helps.
The second idea is to integrate all emotes in one key and make a choice depending on the situation with the mouse. I mean slightly transparent circle which appears on the center of the screen with all emotes. This allows quick movement of the mouse to select the reaction.
I make fast and easy example
(i forgot about "No" But its easy put one more emote in cirlce)
How i to think of something, I inform of it. But I think that the current idea may be good.
I would go with the circle - as it doesn't require one to leave the hand from WSAD.
I too consider that it is better and more convenient solution.
yeah dat idea is great
Yeah, focusing on emotional sounds instead of commands seems reasonable.
Also a 'hello' (maybe even 'bye'?) would be nice to greet players without getting muted for spamming :)
(Also imagine killing someone and then leaving his body saying 'bye' in high-pitched voice. EDIT: in Wilds, not IRL!)
Apart from 'bue' and 'vrngghgh' we surce could use some sounds for amusement (like 'hahaha' or 'lol' ?) and sadness/sympathy ('awww' ?).
I've seen people use 'no' and 'ok' - mainly for begging other players not to kill them and the latter agreeing - theese two could stay too.
That would give us a combination of vrngh / bue / hello / bye / lol / aww / ok / no which seems to cover most of situations requiring a quick, short reaction.
I don't think coordination emotes should be done away with. But it will be a problem to quickly choose the right emote if there's too many of them in the wheel. Each of them needs enough area for selection. So, maybe two wheels. One for emotional stuff and the other for coordination stuff. I don't think hello and bye need to be included since people can just use the chat to greet, and bye gets used once, except for trolling. But if there's enough room for them, ok. So the emotional emotes could be: bue, vrngh, good job, nope, sorry, thanks. While the coordination ones could be: attack, defend, help, follow, pass, ok. The logical default binds would be tab and shift since they're not currently used. Alternative for the wheel could be to have a side menu pop up with a list of emotes bound to a left hand key. For example, shift brings out the following: W: bue, S: vrngh, A: nope, D: good job, Q: sorry, E: thanks. And the tab brings out: W: attack, S: defend, A: help, D: follow, Q: pass, E: ok. Or arrange them differently, whatever makes more sense. You wouldn't have to hold tab or shift, one press brings out the menu and the press of an emote bound key closes it. Or pressing the menu key again closes it if you don't want to say anything.
I have some ideas in my head about the emotes. I think that in due time I will make about this post. In short about emotes placed in the rim: It is a very convenient way and works in many games.
Enough to remember where is the every one emote and then you will choose this automatically.
You can also add a possibility yourself to set emotes in the rim to be comfortable for every one player.
As I said I'll do a separate post on this subject, but rather wait for the right moment :]
@Rezoner Possibly a merge with my topic? Cause they are similar and this post has been dug up because of it...
Bump on the wheel menu for emotes. Plenty of games have that system. Egze's scheme looks fine, and not to ruin the symmetry and make it clustered, but I do think there should be a "sorry" emote as well.
You can look at my voces idea *i dont know where is my voce idea Xd*
bring back the emotes!!!
could do without bue and vvrgh IMO but I dearly miss Good Job, Help, and Defend
The keys that you use don't need to correspond to what they say. It would be a lot more convenient to use the letters Z X C V B. That way you wouldn't need to search around your keyboard as much. the old Bue and Vergh were easy to find while fighting, and I still find myself hitting them to show emotions.
It might also be cool to have a different voice for each helmet.
miss bue
vrng and help and good job are my favorite
Little diging idiots...
bump. I want emotions back!
i want bue and verngh back
especialy bue!!!!
yes m8
These do sound like voice effects from Abe's Oddysee
It's nice to hear because I've got this idea from Abe's :) The sounds were supposed to communicate with bots at first.
Ba dum tss, bue vrngh
Press middle mouse button or T
Can you make it more seamless? Like this: (just for aesthetics, the new menu isn't as pretty)![Image result for overwatch emote menu]()
actually it used to be "Good job!"
need add sorry and thanks
these bumps tho