Your comments

How long would it last if you hit 5 digits?

Naja seems a bit overkill mate, but good post.

Bro...That's balanced, b/c Wrath is total trash. No offense, but I'm that rank, and I've worked for it, rather then been carried (I do the carrying).

Welcome back to hell, I suppose. Yes, Rez has rejoined this community. No new updates as far as I know (not far at all).

huh....I thought you could only recruit guests. But I don't know how it works so ignore me

My guy loaded in when I moved. No health bar was annoying, but it keeps you on your toes. I, for one, found this pretty awesome. I got like 70-80 bones in it. +1

is rezoner left this game' omg lmao

What are you doing, trying do drain the ocean with a bucket? Good luck.