Your comments

yeah all anyone is talking about on the forum is how rez is gone 

we really need u 

your the heart of the game 

people on forum may be the brain but we need the heart to make it work  

yes because when you get knocked over the enemy player keeps spamming moves that are easily countered

also the game is too predictable  

dont forget halloween map 

search up RKO 

just jump while kicking he has to add it first tho

it can be 3 5 10 15 etc

so it cnt be 8 add 2 more 

yee grave yard was pretty fun

like lets say you dont have any friends and ur dumb enough not to go to any social media or real life to find some

then u go on and try to talk to people but get blocked every few secs for spamming

and u realize that the game is bad cuz everyone is killing u and your bone total  is 13

then u see this forum so u go on it troll people so u can be noticed like Naruto 

just trying to see reason behind the trolling