
Different name fonts..?

Disguised 8 years ago updated by kanguror 8 years ago 10

My name looks different compared to others, not that I'm complaining, I actually like it more that way. I was just curious. It also doesn't change if I reload the game.

Image 2043

Image 2042

Let's hope this doesn't bet buried before Rez gets to see it :c

Early bump then xD 

I saw it staring to disappear, Rez left a comment on another post similar to this: "looks fine" and he's probably busy with the upcoming update.

me bump to help you then :)

I got you fam

*insert bump here*

oh and here, have a free lenny ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Here your bump, do not lost it again ;v


bump Ctrl + c Ctrl + v ctrl + v xD