Your comments
For what i can say this is a skill based game right? They cant stand a chance just because of... well... their skills and weapons.
I personally can defend myself against the people who keep harassing the farmers but they also need to learn how to defend themselves i have seen A LOT of really good players who can get a 30+ score using only axe (hemhem Axehelm hemhem)-
This is why the W.T.C. (Wilds. Training. Camp.) was created, but.... well there´s a problem. The discord link for W.T.C. was removed from the game, so new players can only learn from the tutorial wich only shows roll, shield, attack, throwing knifes, deflecting knifes and using special.
The tutorial doesn´t shows how the thicking mine works or how to shield bash it doesn´t even shows how to DASH!.
This is what Rezoner should do in my opinion:
1) Start working on a better tutorial.
2)Update the armory especially the bow and staff ones because they show old mechanics.
3)Add the W.T.C. Discord link back.
4)Make new tutorial OBLIGATORY.
-Ifram Crusader Leader
Lol evasive exposed.
yes he forgot... it was 0100.
Maybe not invisible at all? it should be like the invisibility that they can still see you but they need to have a good sight to see you. And thats why the vast majority of players need to eat carrots.
Was fun helping you to test the bug :)
people still play football ;-;
I won´t downvote or upvote this post because... well i dont farm the chest like someone else. Hemhem.
The marketplace ruins map was so good! and with arrows going straight now the marketplace would be a great place to fight again. though you´re wanting the no-shield version that was a lot simpler and could make new players believe that theres no shield at normal gamemodes. Zerk was unbalanced AF. i have only one question... will there be a hammer or a sword on that gamemode?
Customer support service by UserEcho
-Ifram whats happening?
-The level of lazyness of these 3 people is... is.
-Tell me now!
-Over 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
(i hope you understand the D.B.Z. reference)
Nah but this daily reward thingy might end up with Rezoner having no food... AND WE WILL HAVE NO UPDATES!