Your comments

If you think the Wilds political scene is bad now, you've got something coming...

... why is this bumped?

someone bumped then deleted, wtf

ten upvotes and rezoner still doesn't see it. WE NEED SERVER MODERATION

Common sense. Do you have an education?

press f, there you go.


stop being an asshole. It's in spanish, just because you've chosen to not educate yourself and be an ignorant bag doesn't mean you have to afflict others with your misery.

Be like me, I have 5 years in mandarin, french, and german, and I'm not a dickhead like you, am I?

looks op af, but whatever you say, Rezoner.

I was thinking simply the power to block forever would pretty much fix it

but in order to balance that you would have to slow down block-walking.