Your comments

I know you're lobbying for a 'remove the directional block' thing, but that just isn't going to happen. It helps out the bow and wand, which previously a good player had no reason to pick whatsoever.

But anyway, if you can beat people with that, they aren't 'low ranking pros'. They're just mediocre players.

And this isn't how noobs play, either. You're better then the are, even if you're only using attack. This huge extraneous variable in your 'experiment' render any conclusions of yours largely invalid.

he doesn't like the beard becasue he's 12 years old.

Rezoner, next you need to make kick deflect directional.

next step, directional kick deflect. THAT needs to be done.

haha, archer might actually be worth playing now!

Bow/staff op? try again. Bow has been underpowered since release, it needs some love, and I am SO SICK of people complaining that they're getting grouped up on. IT's called strategy: Plan your engagements, be aware of the magnituede of your opponent, and know when to disengage. Don't whine in hte forums that it isn't fair when you get double teamed, it's a TEAM GAME. Instead, try and actually think about what you're doing in game for once, that should help.

Directional block must not be removed. I've been asking for it for months, and it will really make players think more about different engagements. It's instilling much-needed room for players to outperform through strategy.

the fire nation's gonna attack them, and everything is going to change when they do.