Your comments

You have the snall window trust me. Both of those things have a delay but kick has a bigger one. Thats the window.

Thats right. You can easily avoid the special if you know how to do it.

No, its because you can hardly kick in the direction you want when you are rolled. They get some space and shoot and you kick without thinking ofcourse. But, if change that a bit, we could kick the arrow where we kicked it at. ONLY IN 270 °.

Wtf. I was thinking a day ago to post literally the titile Tribe Wars. But the description is more accurate.

I spent 15 minutes to kill with mines. (._.)

That would probably ruin the claws AND its price. It would become a shorter spear.

The weapons are kinda balanced but because pf the tactic most people use against archers and staff (shield+kick) they are way weaker. About spear, it doesnt have an attacking special attack and it has only 1 dmg(am i correct?).

We dont need a ten year old fucker here. I dont think i need to say anything more.

Hmmm... I made a similar post months ago and to this day its still annoying. Well... I guesss i should upvote because i want points back still.