Your comments

Also, there is a bug for which I don't know what causes it but it makes the matches not start for very long periods of time even though there's more the 8 people in the queue. Things only get going again when the queue gets to 16.

Seals=Illuminati confirmed.

No, it's not. I've posted twice in detail what causes the bug but it went under your radar. It's the falling animation. So it can be also done on maps with pits. If you're still falling when the new round starts it carries over. So you die at the start of the animation, the new round starts and resurrects you, and your player model finishes falling into the ground so you end up without a body. Exploiting this requires timing so that the new round starts while you're falling. I suggested that the player dies at the end of the animation, not the beginning. That way if somebody tries to cheat they'll get punished by losing the next round.

EDIT: Also, I'm getting annoyed explaining the exact circumstances of the bug and it getting overlooked over the "sometimes when you die after killing the opponent".

Noobs could apply to or start teams same as everyone else. It's not like there's an abundance of players waiting at any given moment, so skilled players would still accept noobs into teams to fill them out. Or if they get rejected they can just start their own.

Sure, the vote could only be up to the one who started the team instead of up to everyone already in it. It would still default to a "yes" after 20 seconds for anyone applying if the one who created it was waiting in game or is afk. Once you're in the team you can't get kicked out, but you can leave it.

This would be a process before every game, but all it would change is adding one more click after getting in queue to either start or enter a team. So: the game ends, you get in q again, there's already a team started there so you apply, the guy who started says says "yes" or "no" or it defaults to a "yes" if he doesn't respond in like 10 to 20 seconds, once you're in it's the same wait as it is now, either in lobby or in game. Once two 4 player teams get created they get matched up and it's game time.

Football matchmaking has been broken since around the time gold rewards got introduced. The balancing used to be that the top players who aren't in a matchmaking group would be balanced across both teams. The top player would go on one side, the second best on the other etc That had its problems too, I think good match-ups would've been 1st, 4th, 5th, and 8th vs. 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 7th, but however it used to be, it was better than now cause there was actual balancing  . Now the top players without a group all end up on the same side and if there aren't any skilled players on the opposing side they get curb stomped. Also, don't know what causes it, maybe it has something to do with groups, but a lot of the time matches won't start even though there's more than 8 players in the queue.

What you're suggesting could work if getting into a queue meant getting into a lobby in which you could either start a team or pick an existing team and they would vote to accept or reject you. The vote would default to a "yes" after 20 seconds if the player was afk or waiting in game instead of lobby. There could be multiple teams, but no more than 4 players per one. When two 4 player teams would form they would get matched up.

This is an old bug and an exploit. You're not correct in describing what triggers it. It is more specific than that. What triggers it is the fall animation when you fall into a pit or a sandhole. If the new round starts before the falling animation has finished it will carry over into the next round. I'm guessing the game kills you as soon as you start falling and the new round resurrects you, so when the animation finishes the player model has sunk into the floor but the player has been resurrected. Which makes them invisible, which is an obvious unfair advantage because you can't tell if they're blocking or charging or kicking or rolling etc. The bug requires timing so that you're still falling when a new round starts which means if you see somebody doing it, it is not accidental and they're cheating. I've only seen one player do it recently. I elaborate on the bug in detail so Rezoner knows what to look for and how to fix it (my suggestion is that the animation kills at the end not the start, that way if somebody tries to cheat they'll get punished by automatically losing the next round). Obviously, it also means that I'm educating potential cheaters if it doesn't get fixed.

My goal was to be concise because the reasoning for it is self-evident and I didn't need an elaborate pitch. Scoreboards incentivize people to play. If you do well, it is displayed.

I'll just put all my suggestions here:

1) I don't know if the skulls can damage each other if they're a different faction (grey, brown, and black) but they should all spawn as grey so they can work together.

2) Make it so the shadows can't pick up and use power ups.

3) This one is more about aesthetics, but it might be harder to implement, make it so the shadows can't throw their claws, or lose them against a kick. And make it so their head gear doesn't go off flying when they die.

Oh, and maybe put the viking helmet on the shadows instead of the crown. It might look like devil horns.

EDIT: I realized you already did, but the crown seems to be in the majority.