Your comments

Great! Then we just need twin swords, some changeable armor and you'll be able to cosplay Sonya! (female barbarian from Diablo 3) Effectively, too. lol

Not just after the first minute, but within the first 10 seconds, like what the hell?

I've gotten out of 3 football game now that all froze, and it keeps happening. Secret updates? Ranked issues being fixed in-game? I want answers..

Actually, yes. They do cause an unfair advantage in points, so I suggest they be removed too, because if matches go on long enough: it'll be like a lawn of bones to collect.

Players will keep their bone score afterwards, of course. but then after that, the highest players could be reset to at least 1000! The post already explains things about bots, so no need for that, but the bones too, yes.

Thank you for listening to the community, it really means something to us, unlike game developers who wait until there's like 10,000 posts of it to add (idea). And thanks for listening again. we try to come up with great things, and hope they get somewhere. If they do, well it would increase the rate of getting another in possibly--

I'm rambling off now, lol. I'll just stop here because I can't think of anything else better to thank you with.

~Seraph, currently Warpick of the Dark Soul.

Too many useless posts, PLUS 1 post per week. S T O P.

Looks a little cluttered, but nice!

Also, I see some spears in the pits! Very good.. The map will be so much bigger!

Overall: 6/10! Still too many ways a runner could escape.

Very nice, so far! also FIRST COMMENT


I'm sorry. But really it looks great. A+ on the terrain work to both TYTA and you, Rezoner!

I think I know why, the Football game mode games can go on longer than you think if the timer is not hitting 0

thus resulting in SO MANY BONES being dropped by players.


But anyways, if you want proof just go and look at it for yourself, try to keep a 0-0 football game going.

if you want to find me, My name starts with Arcqkae.

P.S it could also be a multi-boost! You never know... >;3