Your comments

+1 It will take 3 or 4 damage.

No, it take same damage as sword, axe and hammer

I can't edit the topic :( so i add some screenshots with 1st bug:

I was shooting there:

And arrow flew here:

Or same situation in that 2nd

Looks like lightning zap :D

That 1. is cool, don't repair it.

I can attack other players next to wall

I forgot to add, you can be "sticked" to the wall and don't fall if you jumping and pressing a ex. S if wall is behind you and W if wall is in front of you - you don't fall

This is bad, you or your enemy can "spawnkill" - leave a safezone, attack an enemy and return to safezone

I killed a player named PE and if i killed him he writed "fuck you"

Yeah, that's working. You can only type super long message only one time and then you get mute :D