Your comments

ukryty you always know how to relax me XXDD

this is not going to be too OP cause unlike the zerk this would not be a rgular attack and like other special would have a reload time so it would nerf it


it would make them powerful they suppose to be weak

it is a realy realy bad idea the fist should be weaker than weapons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(if the translate is right) 

i know how many times it was suggested but i prefere it more than any other idea i see here and i didnt want to bump realy old threads so i open a new one

if you liked it like me help me to move this idea forward until rez will see it

i saying god titans are too OP 

ogre is just great as it is

i know it old but it was good

I think wolfs are the only good monster in this idea 

the other are just copy of the eccisting monster or too complicated or OP

sorrry but its my opinion


they are ogres and they dont need any more skills they are preaty good in this way

and come on:

  •  cannons on it realy dont feet
  • summon ability is just too OP
  • why the hell ogres will know how to use bombs????
  • they kill lots of players right now they dont need to chane players too. u realy want to not be able running away from them??

may i ask in wich why the mode will be back?

like all together / only melee / a round of all?