
4 new skills for ogres

issa04 7 years ago updated by berserkerIL 7 years ago 2

Hi today I thought of four new abilities for ogres:

First Skill >> Ogres can launch cannons (3 exactly) every 10 seconds

Second Skill >> Ogres every 3 minutes can generate 2 warriors who always use the sword but are easy to kill (one skill takes off half life) simply to distract the opponent from the ogres

Third skill >>> Ogres have bombs that can launch every 20 seconds.

 Fourth skill>>> Ogres have a chain that they can launch to bring back the player who is running away, of course they can use it every 2 minutes

But if these skills are added, the life of the ogres must be smaller and In my opinion it is better to remove that ogres can lift and launch players because it is a bit exaggerated

I thought he could make the fight with the ogres different from the normal fight that you do with regular players always.

Do not forget to vote and comment

I hope it has helped you, issa04

Sick? Skills for a monster? I'm outta of userecho.


they are ogres and they dont need any more skills they are preaty good in this way

and come on:

  •  cannons on wilds.io? it realy dont feet
  • summon ability is just too OP
  • why the hell ogres will know how to use bombs????
  • they kill lots of players right now they dont need to chane players too. u realy want to not be able running away from them??