Your comments

if they all be black the score board will be *black*vs*black*vs*black* so now one know witch score is witch 

it just cruel man... +1 for me XD

thnx for your comment

can you explain why ranked modes are not healthy for this moment?

as long as this idea will be aplayed i (personly) dont care who will get the credit for it 

so thanks for bringing it up againXD

so in the score board there will be diffrent colors too

that way the players could now who score it is

5th one is already stupit

now for real

 5 is too easy

1-3 will be nice if they would have less gold as prise (1  - 100 gold , 2 - 150 gold , 3 is fine)

another buff could be making landing from special attack hit (like +-1 dmg ) and knock over

hey it was my idea 

issa thank for rememeber it