Your comments

m8. He's trying to get rid of those broken/unnecessary pixels to make the game look more professional. Wouldn't you like to have a game you make look as professional and well made as possible?

...counting pixls. Free time at it's finest eh? you also don't read eh? I've made a post about it before and Rez has updated the game and this still hasn't been fixed. He does tend to forget to add things during updates, even once saying something along the line of how he planned on adding something but just kept forgetting to add it. This post is a followup. Read thoroughly instead of rushing to leave hate comments instead.

Oh dear god no... are those your bones? Are you... are you trying to intimidate me? Now this may be news to you but the leaderboards have a (prepare yourself for this) SCROLL DOWN OPTION?!?!?! WHAAAAT? Scroll down on the leader boards and you can see me I stopped playing arena for quite a while and I'm not that far behind you. In terms of bones I'm on the leaderboard. Again scroll down and you'll see me. I'm gunna leave my arena score, my total bone score, and my bone score in my clan. You judge if I'm good enough to fight you. 

I can also have a lot of players vouch for me saying I'm skilled. I don't hear or see anyone talking about you on both discord or in game. These are glitches m8.

*insert more no's here*

something that works for you might not work for everyone bruh

If I chased you down with a rope and a bomb, you think these solutions would work? lets try it out then

but the rope would still be slow... and easy to dodge...right?

Oh? Disquised didn't you tell me to just get good? I'm more than good enough to beat you. So unless you're gunna fight me and prove that I need to get better, than just leave your hate and criticism elsewhere m'kay?