Your comments
Thanks for agreeing. I'm not proposing a bomb nerf, it's slow and hard to hit already, just a simple weakening or even a cool down since this combo kills,even at full hp.
Let the lenny clense the unfairness of this wombo combo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lol I exaggerate on how good a cape is, it's actually all just for show, nothing more nothing less XD
To add on to what I was saying, it appears mountainman doesn't have anything better to do with his time as, whenever he sees me, he reloads the game, getting a new guest name then tries it again and again. And if he misses, he kills himself and gets a new name. I can't even understand how desperate/sad/time consuming this is. How do you not have anything better to do but chase down one single person then taunt them once it works?
There are people who run past you all the time in game, how exactly do you defend against something you almost definetly won't see coming. It's not nearly as funny when you worked hard for a score of +100 just to be killed by some bad players with a rope and a bomb.
Great, the person abusing this disliked it,how desperate
he killed the guy who killed me basically
You really don't pay attention huh? If something can kill you without even giving you a chance, then it should be nerfed. That's what happened to the wand since it was considered op. If anything this shows just how undetermined you are, not even dedicated enough to the point where you need a cheap trick to even stand a chance.
Stomping my feet and whining...? Did you even take the mere 2 minutes to read the actual post? I never said I was perfect, and I'm not begging for it to happen. It's simply a proposal since this combo can fucking kill you. Wand was nerfed because if it hit you would almost fucking die, and it still got nerfed. This can wipe you right off the damn map and it shouldn't be? Go back to running and using cheap tactics. You're much better at that than taking 2 minutes to actually read.
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thanks m8, but it doesn't seem like Rezoner has notice my post yet :(