Your comments

I think a is also a reasonable solution. There's no game play affected besides those who use rope bombs. Thanks for actually giving possible solutions instead of just calling me a noob *cough cough I wonder who would do that?*

Alright I'm making this comment for people who are calling me a noob. If I'm such a noob reply to my comment and 1v1 me. Prove I'm as much of a noob as you think I am. And if you claim I'm a noob but won't fight me? Then you admit to yourself that I'm better than you. Try me.

Oh great another person who inhales glue instead of drinking water. I can't believe I'm going to have to make this point again. In if something does too much damage. IT. GETS. NERFED. The rope bomb combo kills you if you don't have full health and a heal. Also have you ever played? Playing different servers isn't as easy as you think it is. Switching servers isn't something you choose to do. Besides why would you switch games when you're 50 bones in because of one person? I've probably been playing this game longer than you have (or longer) and could probably destroy you in a fair fight. This is just common knowledge anyone who's played this game for long enough would know.

I think that'll actually work if it's slow enough

...still not reading thoroughly huh? I've already tried your solutions m8. Every solution you've proposed either was stupid or already tried.

I can complain about anything in this game! Im interested in improving this game and making it better. Let me say this again: IN WILDS.IO ANYTHING THAT IS UNFAIR/DOES TOO MUCH DAMAGE GETS NERFED. Wand was nerfed since it almost killed you if you landed the special. The wand didn't kill you yet it took away 3/4 of your health. The bomb will fucking kill you without full health and a heal... and it shouldn't be nerfed? Jesus Christ just stop. You're points are actual trash.

...oh my god. I can enjoy the game with 1 person trying to ropen bomb me. It's not like he ruins the entire thing and makes it impossible for me to play. Besides he's a really good runner. If someone isn't good at fighting, they should at least be good at running so they can actually compete. And regardless of when I get him or not he tries it again. He's killed me before ( not a lot ) and I've killed him a ton. Finally no, I'm not salty over some "frekin .io game" so calm your shit.

Look I see the point you're trying to make and thanks for offering your solutions, but all of them have been tried.

That's the problem with reporting glitches on userecho. Once it's up, people know it'll be patched, and abuse it while they can.

I'm about to disprove all of your shit excuses.

1: name change.

That person has tried stealing my name before, claiming he had it first and I took it from him. Which wouldn't happen if he didn't change his name. Also I would have to build up all the credit the name "Legion" has.

2: Chase after him

You fucking idiot. Of course I chase after him. He's a runner and he knows I would win a fair fight. Would you stick around and lose? No.

3: blocking

People run past me in game all the time. Which fucking direction should I block then? All of them? No? Then shut up and think your response through this time.

Again he's tried stealing my name, changing my name would only make it easier for him to do that.

Oh and you're trying to help me? Well next time you try to help someone, don't start by calling them a noob. That immediately puts them on the defensive.

You don't read either huh? The person reloads the game if he misses you idiot, changing his guest name between bilbo, gloin , or, Ballin,  and all those. If it was the same person it would he easy shit for brains. I've crushed you easily I'm game, so if I'm a noob, just how trash are you? Next time spend the extra 2 seconds it would take to just stop and think before making yourself look like a complete fool.