Under review

List of things that different things can counter

achillesRising (aR) 8 years ago updated by TheLegion27 8 years ago 3

Kick: counters roll, knife, arrow, ice shard, Piercing Arrow, Freeze Shard, attack.

Attack: counters jump, kick, idle.

Roll: counters block.

Block: Counters attack, kick, knife, arrow, ice shard, Sword Special, Hammer Special, Axe Special, Piercing Arrow, Freeze Shard, Charge Attack.

A little rebalance may be in order here.

I won't agree.

"Block" (as the name says) is supposed to work as block. Thus, one should expect that it is going to block the incoming attack (and there is no matter what kind of attack it will be). Strategy here works the same as in rock-paper-scissors: you should use roll, if you have any premise that your opponent is going to use block. It is that simple.

Also, kick counters only the "short" attack, and it does not work on the "charged" attack (at least it was told to work in that way in one of the changelogs).

Under review

Kick: counters roll, projectiles

Attack: counters jump, kick, idle.

Roll: counters block.

Block: Counters attacks, kick, projectiles

Also the game mechanics is quite deeper than just A vs B - for example roll is not only a block breaker - it can also be used as attack and escape mechanics.

achilles you're making it sound way more complicated than it actually is.