
Refresh to daily gold

onur takin 7 years ago updated by Poke Hano 7 years ago 6

guys i thinks be refresh to daily gold 0 so everyday we can mostly take 800 gold for example ım 576 gold take today tomorrow refresh to 0



I miss the old times when sword costed 5000 and you could collect 100 gold daily.


In my opinion current gold refresh and capacity is ideal.

i agree with egz

Yes, if you want to refersh your gold capacity to zero you must wait 100 hours - 4 days and 4 hours


I miss the old times when sword costed 5000 and you could collect 100 gold daily.

actually every 8 hours it refresh then you can get 200 coins rezoner is been very smart too make like in 32 hours you can get 800 gold or its 200 coins per days