Your comments

ABC stuff is dumb, it's so dumb for the reason of subtle humor and it stirs up debate and attention.   But mostly I'm more than happy to point out the flaws in this forum, and challenge people's views.   Only to make it stronger, as people are not rallying to fight off the threats to the forum, at least it gives purpose and relief from the boredom of our precious dev working on meaningless projects and not fixing  Which trust me, I'm not stopping until kick is fixed. 


I love the SoM series

At some point rez will have to step in, that point dictates this games fate . . . . . but if he doesn't the community will destroy itself.   There is no easy solution Ruby, I'm sorry, but I was very tame about this game . . . VERY tame . . until the kick, that's when I made this profile, as you can see by evidence.   I care about the community in such a way I WOULD DESTROY It

Replied ways to nerf bow, created black team capturing the flag topic, actually posted the first kick is broken post that got a lot of likes and under the spam of 2 weeks got more stars than you, proving that the public likes me more (not really but hey, poking fun never hurt).   But the sad truth is that what is there to post?   There are already ideas lined up for Rezoner, so what we are left with is a bored forum that is voicing one main issues which is the bow or the bows complaining about us complaining and dissing the idea of any sorta of community 'honor'.  SO I shove my dick right down their throats and happily tear apart this forum.

Wars are historically proven to solve problems.

A very short answer, to a very long speech

Brought to you by ABC, because even if bow users are dicks, they can still eat dicks.

#HateBowUsers also fuck you, the chances are slanted in favor of bow users so get the fuck out of our forums.

*Sucks in air*

It kinda is a big deal, seeing bows suck.

Kid?   Says the one who takes a microphone dropping joke into 4 replies dragging it out, seriously, go get your autism checked mister 'mod in training' also, <3 everyone who disliked it with me.