Your comments

Aw sheet dude If i'd be you i'd call an exorcist

4.Idea was implemented in hell mode and it didnt work so well

Sorry for bump

Good idea, it also might work as refunding, i mean we could sell our weapon back but for a lover price (-200 gold or something) but i think its rather useless since there are very little players who are unsatisfied of their stuff

Here im Razvan Efros cause its my real name(idk why i posted it)

In wilds Im Razvancic the OgreSlayer

Not bad idea. Still I wanted to point out for everyone that if you want to leave suggestions on this site they should have at least 2 reasons to be implemented (as example: barbaric feel, gameplay improvement, attracting new players and keeping them in). You shouldnt post an idea just because you thought it will be cool

I had the same idea when i read your post but for some reason i didnt say it

uhh if this is supposed to be sarcasm i inform you that filling this site with utterly useless posts makes you a c*nt

If hunger and thirst would be added they would need a special gamemode since combining skill-based combat with these aint the best idea

I dont think that the real point of clones is to hide between them like Naruto, theyre more of a temporary power buff, sort of

+1 though i didnt like the 10 seconds respawn

maybe 6 can go?