Your comments

if you have not noticed, many people have already made posts like this, so doing more of them will not help save the game


not a helmet with goat horns, but the horns as part of the persong, such as the current small horns


but it would be elegant


xD, the anti-bows would go crazy with this

not with minecraft incantations
with wilds incantations
that give us
powers ...

weapon enchantments? Hmm
This reminds me of a somewhat square game


Well, as I said, the powers would be simple supports, so I do not see why they would be high-priced in the store, on the contrary, it could be easy to buy to the point that newbies could own it.

We already know who would win this tournament.
He who uses shadows to up his rankings and is venerated by his followers.
Already known who would win.
The one who corrupted the game with his dynasty of cheaters who also abuse shadows to up their rankings.
Friends, already known who would win ...