
Shield Bash Clash

Mild Mannered Pate 7 years ago updated by Etheric Form 7 years ago 8

Some fun alliteration, and a not so fun issue.

We've all been there in arena, fort, or just about any other dead gametype where two people have bashed at the same time, it happens, and especially in the 1v1 stand offs when people try to get through each other's defences at the same time.  Well maybe we need a shield bash clash fix so it's not just the first one who does it wins, like how the roll used to be, it never should be this way. 

Also, I propose the shield bash damage frames are shorted just a tad bit in the end, because it seems you can move a little bit after the shield bash to damage someone who you missed.  Though small, it kinda makes not a single smidge of sense.   

the bow is op

To quote Urkrty (THe only decent thing he said)

"Your reaction speed is the same as Internet Explorer's"

yeah I hate when you shield bash into someone else's shield bash and take damage. Should definitely be fixed

yes lets get wild

and before u know it there will be beer to drink too...

i just had an idea 



I like dis one.

+1. Age of Enhanced Gameplay?

I wanted to elaborate further on this concept. We all know that when we shield bash, we go over them when they get downed. This is unrealistic and instead of just walking over them, I suggest that we knock them off balance further, as if you had hit a brick wall and had flown back. Essentially, it would be kick 2.0, where you launch someone off balance further.