Your comments
Gather skulls for the skull throne.
Normal players are not that advanced apparently.
Quickjumps let you pass through closed cutting gates too.
Press Escape/Fullscreen button, it will be fine after that... till someone in your FOV throws grenade again...
Well technically it is 2 damage... 2/16 ;P
This is part where they register to have their progress saved... Though there should be in-game register option aside from "login with".
There is no direct link to userecho, GJ Rezo. XD
Needs more JPG.
Good luck resizing when you are King in ruins in middle of fight when someone throws grenade every couple of seconds. ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º)
Customer support service by UserEcho
Someone creates guild that appears on random spot of map and can invite players to join. More bones guild members gather mean bigger and stronger influence on the map. This is all for now.