Your comments
exactly. Not only is spear useless in arena, but you don't need it to get into fort, there are still plenty of bugs that let you just jump over the wall normally.
Rezoner you can close this topic now
Sry dude new shields probs aren't gonna be added any time soon
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I mean, I don't know much about game design (though I do have some HTML/CSS and Jscript experience), but It seems like a pretty simple thing to do, you already have those health values kicking around, you just need to paint some sprites for the bar and write some simple call functions, right?
clicks tongue NOICE
The more balanced weapons are, the healthier the game is. Pretty simple. I don't know why you would want to not buff underpowered weapons.
And I'm not calling for a spear buff because I'm mad I spent my gold on it. I have 15k gold in excess. I don't buy cosmetics because they're silly, and I save for when a new weapon comes out. I have all of them, and I played extensively with each before making my decision that Claws and Sword are unnecessarily powerful as compared to other weapons (ranged weapons included, though to a lesser degree).
Axe is better than spear. It does an even two damage while spear can't compare. The spear's extra range means nothing, and the special is basically useless, it's literally just a big jump.
They just travel in a group and steamroll everybody...
Customer support service by UserEcho
I think ogres are a little strong to be one-sided. Maybe bears, if bears get a speed buff, or a fleet of goblins.