Ogre build in the fort
Guys, what do you think of adding a build that create ogres for the team that own the fort ??
Obviously the team must put a lot of wood in the building to create an ogre.
The ogre will defend the fort.
This idea should be added instead the towers ( https://wilds.userecho.com/topics/3651-2-towers-surrounding-the-fort/) because if not, it would be too difficult to conquer the fort.
What you like more?? The 2 towers or the ogre build?? Post your idea in the comment
I hope u like the idea, issa04.
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i readed the first thing and i liked it
Ok, im happy that you like it Brai :D
Brai u like more the 2 towers or the ogre build??
However I think Rez did not plan an update for a fort map ... because I noticed that the recent posts on the fort have been leave out for now (I'm not just talking about mine)
True Rez??
I think ogres are a little strong to be one-sided. Maybe bears, if bears get a speed buff, or a fleet of goblins.
Obviously the team must put a lot of wood in the building to create an ogre.
Maybe is better the yeti...idk
One idea per week ...
1. Don't you fucking dare tell me to stop posting random comments when you post about 2 ideas every fucking day.
2. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. STOP POSTING RANDOM SHIT. hope you parents put you down with a lethal injection at the vet.
jesus chill out
Bad day. Retarded ideas don't help. Nothing a bit of anime can't fix.
Is anime a sport?
Zhe oggreess arree betteerr tthann tthee ttowwers butt wwe sstiil don't need anything defending the fort other than players