Your comments

Wilds was game with total massacre, before you delete old map and make ruins. There become shop, what do game unbalanced, glitch what is named "dash", mountains(?!) and boxes. Shield? OK, this isn't doing something more than in old wilds, but deleting Zerk? Increasing health, bonus stamina? This didn't exist in old what was great, not like this wilds. Adding political map will change site name from "" to "". Idk, for what anyone need it. You can dislike my post, but i will stand on my sentence. Dislike to the topic.

PS. I forgot about grenades, why it will exist? nonsense.


Triple kill

Quad kill

Total annihilation(5-7)*


Total annihilation(9-11)


Total annihilation(still doing many kill in a row? :D)


This is what i heard in (yes, in new too)

* - kills in a row (my best is 21)

Maybe I will finally join to WRS... VERTIGO is still unbeatable for me :D

Maybe it's special attack is normal attack but does 1 damage and makes you bleeding for 6 secs (0.5dmg/sec) what slows you?

Fast Killer you play too? :D

Dear Ryan Yoda. Playing I'm on EU Server and server on this it laggy was. For stupids is AS server much lags because. Checked I ping the on program "cmd" and codes those used.

ping -t

[IP] ping=299ms TTL=54

[IP] ping=382ms TTL=54

[IP] ping=323ms TTL=54

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Server not found.

But on polish browser

ping -t

[IP] ping 28ms TTL=54

[IP] ping 28ms TTL=54

[IP] ping 28ms TTL=54

[IP] ping 28ms TTL=54

and it was without those Request timed outs and Server not founds.

It's server :P

What probably i see: Remove the special attack ----(don't know what is this) -----

Description inwritable

To Vykrad: He played too much

To Brutal Balls: brutal like you

Green screen. Don't destroy my life more! :(