
New Game Mode Hardpoint

Gso 9 years ago updated by RHAMOS16 8 years ago 9

a big circle where your team have to control

add time like 5 minutes the game ends and score

if the team keeps on the circle for 3sc they get 1 point

Very nice idea, it fit to wilds.io gameplay. But better name will be Control point.

I think in match should be max. 10 players.

i dont think 10 players each is a good idea the point of this mode is to make a big war like many players attacking each other


Or just name it king of the hill. 5 players each team. Maybe no bombs as players could easily kill everyone with berserker or simply by knocking them all down and setting off a bomb.


i dont think 5 players each is a good idea the point of this mode is to make a big war like many players attacking each other


I think that 5 players is enough, especially since brutal football barely gets enough players.

Thats a good idea! Like theres not nearly enough people on a server!

Copiando vertix.io? não.. wilds é um jogo original que não copia outros jogos. Mesmo que seja uma boa ideia não aprovo por que vertix.io mesmo não sendo um jogo bárbaro, tem um modo de jogo como este.

Fast Killer you play vertix.io too? :D

fast killer vc fala portuges