Your comments
Oh wow,just wow.I still don't care,ya' know.Why you triggered now?
We are like Smokey the Bandit and Dirty Harry,baddest guys around.Nothing we can do but to face the dark side of the forum that consumed us.
Ich weiß nicht,aber das ist sehr schlecht and verückt,und also furchtbar.
Yea that's my german.
I agree,they are all totalitaristic.
Three words:"Arbeit macht frei"
Yea,it's not that major as it may seem but it's still sometimes pain in the ass.I'd be great to fix it before xmas...(including me lmao)*couuugh cough couugh*
No I didn't mean it that way,ffs,it's reffered to J4sh1n's comment about complaint.Better not ask why.But now that you asked in your context,almost or pretty much noone gives a flying fuck about it,but not that anyone cares so I'll just stop talking now.
Pls stop that joke.
Well,what did you expect from soulless about-to die chliché hypocrit ginger like me?
Yea,also forgot to mention my topics and all comments in general,but hey,everyone forgets sometimes.
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