Your comments
It'd be funny if you could commit suicide with bow like this:
Yea,I know.They had great damage,but not so good accuracy.
Yep,unlike Mainkraft..
When you expect the least.
Everyone needs to d(s)eal with it.
Yea,it'd be great to have 2 opposite proportional firearms.
Toke's musket: Bigger damage<=>slower reload
Razvan's musket:
smaller damage<=>faster reload.
All that seems pretty damn lit.
I read manga,so I don't have problem.
If people are gonna go after those more often,they need more health,damage and speed.
Yea,that'd be problem in awkward situations,but work on game would be easier.
That's only advantage of having more than one moderator.
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And my swiftness.*sips tea*