Rope Bomb Abuse
Recently there have been an increase in jealous players who can't handle how awesome my cape is. These same jealous, broke people are so jealous of my (luxurious incredible, captivating, all seeing, omnipresent, totally overpowered, unstoppable,genuinely not really useful, elite, amazing, 360 noscope, 8k coin,...cool, astonishing, marvelous, shocking, fascinating, unstoppable, elite mixtape 1) cape, they decided to run after me, with a rope and bomb in their inventory, and repeatedly try to use that oh so dreaded combo attack. What I propose is to weaken the bomb when used... lets say 3-5 seconds after a bomb.
Shout outs to Evasive for helping me on my entire experience with these annoying people
Shout out to mountain man who pretended to want to give me an item, then rope bombed me (good on you m8, you clearly need something to make you happy considering, for you, fighting a fair fight is about as hard as getting your parents to love you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ).

Took em a solid hour to get me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). But yes brutal,my master, I will git gud

I'm not mad that they're running. I'm not even mad in general. I'm just pointing out that rope bomb is simply unfair

Stomping your feet and whining because you're too short sighted to realize you aren't perfect isn't going to help anyone. I suck against the sword, but that doesn't mean I have to have to beg for it to be nerfed.

Stomping my feet and whining...? Did you even take the mere 2 minutes to read the actual post? I never said I was perfect, and I'm not begging for it to happen. It's simply a proposal since this combo can fucking kill you. Wand was nerfed because if it hit you would almost fucking die, and it still got nerfed. This can wipe you right off the damn map and it shouldn't be? Go back to running and using cheap tactics. You're much better at that than taking 2 minutes to actually read.

Your post only serves to demonstrate that this is a problem with your own ego rather than the game. I know some good places for help with that if you'd like me to share?

You really don't pay attention huh? If something can kill you without even giving you a chance, then it should be nerfed. That's what happened to the wand since it was considered op. If anything this shows just how undetermined you are, not even dedicated enough to the point where you need a cheap trick to even stand a chance.

did you know the sword had a nerf also because it was op and everyone who was bad at the game and did have the sword complain aka whinning but some stuff needs to be nerfed or removed bomb has also been nerfed it used to kill with full armor and health and the boom time is also longer it used too be 1 seconds now its like 2 or something. just becasue he said this does not mean it has too happen but he was not whinning at all he was posting an idea and if you didn't like it give a simple reason or say something to change it and hit the dislike button you don't have to talk crap to people.

You forgot to add the part where I roped bombed mountain man right after he got you.

with all them there skilz yous got you are almost impossable to killz no wonder them there kids uses cheap taticools too get ya dead.

Personally, I think it's hella funny when I get rope-bombed. I don't think we need a nerf, we just need to adapt and get better strategies for countering it.

There are people who run past you all the time in game, how exactly do you defend against something you almost definetly won't see coming. It's not nearly as funny when you worked hard for a score of +100 just to be killed by some bad players with a rope and a bomb.

Oh yeah, during the beta, before swords, patrons were given access to a new class called the Lizard, which was absolutely overpowered because it could attack you while you were downed. We players could not retaliate because the lizard had infinite STAMINA. That is why we players during that time complained cause all we had were axes and a shield and this of course led to a dramatic decrease in the player base (me included). Things that are too powerful should either be nerfed or disposed of completely.

just be like, ha gotem ik wat u gonna do now ima put ma shield up
ha how does that taste u filty 1 trick pony

To add on to what I was saying, it appears mountainman doesn't have anything better to do with his time as, whenever he sees me, he reloads the game, getting a new guest name then tries it again and again. And if he misses, he kills himself and gets a new name. I can't even understand how desperate/sad/time consuming this is. How do you not have anything better to do but chase down one single person then taunt them once it works?

I just upvoted this because of your cape´s description! eggz deee!
Sword could deal a whole two damage likea long time ago (now deals 1.50) and even though that (very slightly, not important, stupid, not really useful) nerf i still use sword.
I remember having the sword when the marketplace map was still in the game... and i didn´t had enough coins to buy the wand with the lazer beam... AND THEN I FINALLY GOT IT! the very same day it´s lazer beam got changed to this... bean shooting pistol.

Lol I exaggerate on how good a cape is, it's actually all just for show, nothing more nothing less XD

Normal sword attack now is better than this with 2 dmg per hit, because when enemy was stunned you could deal max two cuts (4 dmg) and now you can deal 3 cuts ( 3x1.5=4.5 dmg). I only miss old sword special but that was really op in right hands xD

Finally, someone who makes sense. I agree completely with this topic; nobody should have to get one hit killed by two simple items, especially if they have maintained a large lead. The only way you can survive this is if you block (unlikely unless you predict the future) or are carrying an extra health potion (and even then you don't have a lot of health to escape). I am sorry for the way you and your cape have been treated my this stupid rope and bomb combo. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Lenny will nerf this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

I remember when people had six health, and the knife did four damage. I used hammer and would hammer special (two damage) and then keep going, but spin and knife as soon as they get up. That combo killed them in one go, and it felt so awesome pulling it off.
I feel like the bomb DOES NOT need a nerf, it does reasonable amount of damage for the most dangerous to use and most skillful item.
HOWEVER, the rope/bomb combo is a little ridiculous. Even though the rope is hard to land at range, close up it's too easy to use for a guaranteed bomb hit.
PROPOSAL: All items have a one-second cooldown attached, so if you use an item you need to wait one second before using another.

Thanks for agreeing. I'm not proposing a bomb nerf, it's slow and hard to hit already, just a simple weakening or even a cool down since this combo kills,even at full hp.

PROPOSAL: All items have a one-second cooldown attached, so if you use an item you need to wait one second before using another.
Great solution mate!

Slight problem with that Rezoner, 1 second may be a bit too short since it takes more than one second for the player to get to the rope thrower,and then there's the roll followup. The bomb most likely will still have time to be placed but thanks for noticing my idea 👌

Happened to me today... was rope bombed through the fort wall, lost 80 bones
Customer support service by UserEcho
Great solution mate!