Your comments
There are many bumps because this is what the wildsio community needs most, but rez canno swee(cannot see)
i gave a +1 to that post
So much hate for one person. Theres like a million ppl just like mr galxy out there
Ladies, respect each others opinions. DOnt be jeffrey wong he be like : ur opinion is irrevalent
and beanie is doing a gj in containing saltyness
Huh. 2 months, didnt put "under review" and puts that title for other ideas that are really not needed
Boy, stop bumping and posting trash ideas that will probably never be taken into consideration. Go back to playing, or watevr that pfp game of yours is
Weapons are kinda too small for skins to be shown
like rez is too lazy to fix this
Customer support service by UserEcho
NO, there are other mute mechanics too