New CTF improvements for it to be added again
Problem: Capture the Flag has been deleted due to popularity and bugs. It is not being added back for now.
Idea: Make a new map including some improvements.
• Bones are not used in ctf. Point system is used instead.
• Bots guard flag if few players are playing ctf. They do not wander around the map.
• If knocked, flag is dropped automatically.
• No tight spaces so enemy can get you more easily.
• A scoreboard is added with a timer
• Winning team when timer runs out is given some gold.
• No spikes
If you disagree with anything please tell me why in the comments.
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I dont know what to think. I thought rez deleted it so players would have more hype about it.
why ctf need back desert is already abandoned
I liked ctf
Yeah, CTF was fun, I just didn't play it a lot because not a lot of other people did either so it got boring due to the mass amount of bots that were (at the time) pretty weak.
CTF was empty, scoring 2000 points in CTF wasn't that hard at this time.
The only part that i didnt like is this one:
• If knocked, flag is dropped automatically.
If it gets added people would just spam kick and roll.
Keep spikes and don't do the knock down flag thing.
Thought would make it harder to score.
The spikes were brutal, one misstep and SHING! , instant warrior-kebab.
That's the point, to be careful
warrior-kebab? no..
"someone jump to sandpit? I need some ketchup to my sandwich." - Unknown player(my memory is bad XD), 2015.
I like the scoreboard and timer thing. How about also gold is added to your account every time you successfully capture a flag? Also I think dropping the flag when you get knocked down makes it a little difficult for people to steal the flag, so maybe not that...otherwise this is a solid post
The gold thing might get a bit op don't you think?
Depends on how long the timer is and how balanced the teams are. If it's only 3 gold every captured flag, but the timer is only a couple of minutes and the teams are balanced, you'll get a modest amount of gold, but not too much. It would be much easier to farm gold from the sandworm pit, as you get about 15 gold almost every time you open the chest
This post is well made and brings attention to the community about the lack of CTF. I have constructive criticism to add onto this post on two main points mentioned/commented above.
• Bots guard the flag if few players are playing CTF.
- @v2 and I have made a post on this topic, but I can't seem to find it. But it reinforced the topic of bots being added for the simple fact to the keep the game alive. The players are the ones to create the "wandering" feeling around the map.
~ "We want CTF back!"
- The primary reason CTF was removed was (from my understanding) because veteran players wanted Desert back for ol' time sake due to the fact (sadly) that ~70% of old wilds.io veterans have retired because of rapid change. Desert in my opinion has more population than CTF ever did.
I liked both equally
I disagree with 3, and 7. 3 because the flags probably would have at least one person guarding them so the flag would stay in one place unless everybody was grabbing the flag all at once. 7 because... why do you hate spikes?
Also i won't mind a new map as long as it's not open world because it would be too much like fort (you break into a fort that another team owns than leave and come back later with your team and there team fighting.)
Dude, don't comment on posts that are this old. The last comment was 9 months ago!
newbies -_-
why no spikes? impaling ppl is fun
Good idea! This gamemode was great, I want it back!
Make it happen already.Mode had no problems or difficulties so why the fuck not?
BUMP, because i a m OCD. and moms spaghetti keeps on bumping all the same posts. so i'm evening things up a bit.
You hit your head as a child?