Your comments
Okay, %50 of the target health.
Umrumda değil yazacak kadar umrumda. Evet orası doğrudur lakin senin kararın umrumda değil ve ben bunu belirttim. Belirtmenin umrumda olmasıyla bir alakası bulunmamaktadır.
Why? You should give me a senseful reason to delete. This is my dream and no one said of this. Won't let.
No! This is 1 years old!
Uhh, any problem?
But I don't have possibility to play and I missed the game.
Pekala. Umrumda değil.
I no longer need to go to Antartica
*hot look* LOL
Come on! It's easy. You didn't even try.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Fixed... Weapon drawing key will be "T"
Because you throw with "F"
Special Attack damages %50 of the enemies' health. It's dodgeable, it jumps and you can go under that's why I made damage %50 of enemy.