Your comments

I don't really know what to do with that as this is never happening to me - but I will be trying to find the answer

You mean that if you run it through the console - the respawn window disappear and you are being respawned?

Could you try if the adblock is not a problem then?"respawn", true);

When it happens - paste above in console and hit enter - and let me know if this works.
If not then this is server problem that I will fix

You have clicked "respawn" before making this screenshot right?

At least I hope you don't mean mine as in minecraft :P

Well I have just checked. If you have a mine and press PAGE_DOWN it drops a mine.
1) What browser
2) Did you have a mine?

I need a screenshot from console - after you click the respawn button and it doesn't work

What's your username?

Does everyone stop in place when this happens? Or do they move normally?

Yo bros, I am working on Wizard now.

Let me know what you think the mage should do.